I have checked that both my survey files have date and cs declarations
inside centreline blocks. Each file generates the correct position
when I generate a KML from either file alone.
Next I tried to add a cs statement in my thconfig file. This appears
to over-ride the cs I declared in the centreline block. So if I put a
different cs declaration in the thconfig file to the cs declared in
the survey data file, then this results in the kml output putting the
cave in the wrong place.

I have created a bear bones set of examples (attached). The cave
should be on the edge of the open grass area and trees.

thconfig-eur79Only.thc  Puts the cave declared with Eur79 datum in the
correct place.
thconfig-EPSGOnly.thc Puts the cave declared with EPSG:25830 datum in
the correct place.

thconfig-eur79csconfig.thc Declares the cave with Eur79 but specifies
EPSG:25830 in the thconfig, and the cave now appears in the wrong

The other files show various ways of including both caves, and they
are rendered always with one in the correct place and one in the wrong

-------------- next part --------------
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