On 17 February 2015 at 10:10, kevin dixon <geospatial3d at gmail.com> wrote:
> Colour by Altitude
> Cross Sections
> I have a major cave system in Survex with lots of splays that help define
> cross sections and I am in the process of converting it all to Therion again
> - was not happy with the first conversion due to my inexperience with
> Therion.
> Is it possible to create a cross section within Xtherion by selecting the
> station and only the splays that define the cross section ?
> That is, either the software automatically grabs the splays within a certain
> threshold perpendicular to the centreline or the software allows manual
> selection of which splays to use. My current method of manually creating
> cross section data subsets is time consuming.
The code of topParser is there for selecting the sprays within x
degrees of a cross section, but I have not finished the implementation
or tested it, unfortunately limited time to progress this at the
moment, also only works for top files

> Kevin
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