Hi all

In sort of a follow up to my previous mail, I am trying to draw a plan
(and elevation, soon) of a cave that is on many overlapping levels that
are at about 40 degrees and obscure each other.

One idea was to be able to draw each of the 4 levels with the other
levels shown as previews, then have all 4 displaced from each other, so
that the viewer could see how it fit together in context for this I tried

map ReadsM
  Reads2M [0 25 m] none
  Reads3M [0 50 m] none
  Reads4M [0 75 m] none

map Reads1M
  Level1M #[0 25 m] none
  preview below Level2M
  preview above Level3M
  preview above Level4M

map Reads2M
  preview below Level1M
  preview above Level3M
  preview above Level4M

map Reads3M
  preview below Level1M
  preview below Level2M
  preview above Level4M

map Reads4M
  preview below Level1M
  preview below Level2M
  preview below Level3M

But when the Reads2M, Reads3M and Reads4M maps are offset the previews
are not shown

The above is my preferred option, so getting that working would be best,
but another option is just to offset all the maps  leaving only the previews

map ReadsM
  Level1M [0 25 m] below
  Level2M [0 50 m] below
  Level3M [0 75 m] below
  Level4M [0 100 m] below

Which sort of works, but the previews fall off the page, and to get
colour by map to work I need to select ReadsM -map-level 1 but then the
previews are not shown, what am I doing wrong, how do I get the colours
and the previews, help! Even better would be to get the previews the
same colour as the maps, but that is probably not a function at the moment

colour preview-below map

would be a good option, that

As a note; it turns out that [0 25 m] is in North/south and East/West
direction not X Y of the page, which I can overcome with a bit of maths,
but as this seems to be more of a page laying tool I would expect the



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