Thanks for explanation.


in there are structures of survey and maps absolutely independent. So there is 
not necessary to have all survey data in one .th file. You may connect them in 
survey in upper level.

For me the idea structure is:

survey trip_1 #survey on base level
input trip_1_plan.th2


survey small_cave #survey defining of all cave
input trip_1
input trip_2
map at trip_1 at trip_2

map small_cave_connection_only #definition of another map
   trip_1_scrap_1 at trip_1
   trip_3_scrap_2 at trip_3

Advantage of this structure is you may named stations a1, a2, a3, …. and 
never renamed them in upper levels of survey. Much better than on level 1 
renamed them to a1 at trip_1. You may check your export PDF for one scrap and 
use the same data if you check the plan of overall cave.

I hope it is clear for you


> 15. 7. 2015 v 10:13, Andrew Atkinson <andrew at>:
> Nick
> I have written topParser, following what I do, with a little adaptation
> for other methods that I know about when people ask me.
> I try to strctly follow the one survey trip, one file methodology, so
> what you are trying to do is not implemented, and to be truthful it
> would be very hard to do, I think.
> I would suggest that organising files by surveys trip (A caving trip to
> survey 2 parts of a cave counts as 2 trips, as starting a survey and
> going back to the same spot) The reason that I do this is although it
> looks very verbose at the start, as projects become large it actually
> makes data organisation easier. Mixing data can lead to difficulties
> latter, the obvious problem is that if the instrument is in different
> calibration, or worse out of calibration, this might not be discovered
> until later, say when a look is closed, it is easier to find and remove
> these sort of things if they are grouped together. There are probably
> many ways to do this sort of thing, I find this works for me.
> As Bruce said joining is easy, so long as the sketches are not joined on
> a junction and when you get further into the power of therion, you will
> probably find that more smaller sections with joins is what you want, I
> have certainly found myself having to go back and split scraps up to get
> to some final outputs.
> However, if you really want to amend a drawing, for things like going
> back and adding more detail to an existing top file, the th2 can be
> generated, this also generates an xvi file which is the underlying
> drawing. This can then be imported into your th2 file, either through
> the front end or in a text editor. Guess I could add an option only to
> generate the xvi files, which should help and is reasonably easy. I will
> add it to the todo list.
> Amending an existing th file automatically is the sort of thing that
> could lead to all sorts of trouble and is way beyond the simplicity of
> topParser. I would say that manually doing it is the best option, best
> method is probably to generate the new th file and as you say paste over
> the relevant bits manually
> Andrew
> On 14/07/15 21:05, Bruce wrote:
>> Nick
>> I don’t know the answer to your question.  I have always created a new
>> .top file for a new day or new survey segment (separated from previous
>> survey legs that day).  Hence I am careful not to leave any small or
>> isolated bits of passage unsurveyed, to avoid future tiny surveys!
>> Joining together is easy, and so it is a strength of the method that
>> there is no need to wait until you have finished surveying.  Complete
>> your Therion centerline and drawing at the end of each day!
>> Bruce
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:*therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] *On
>> Behalf Of *Nick Bairstow
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 15 July 2015 6:42 a.m.
>> *To:* 'List for Therion users'
>> *Subject:* [Therion] Additions To Pocket Topo Data
>> Hi, If I bring Pocket Topo data/sketch into Therion with Top Parser and
>> draw up the survey and then go back to the cave and add more stuff to
>> the original topo file using say the continue here option is it possible
>> to somehow easily get/replace the amended topo data into the original
>> .th2 file and retain the scrap work already done or do I have to create
>> a new survey. Obviously I can amend the .th with a text editor.
>> I sometimes find myself waiting to draw things up whilst I get time to
>> go back to get the last bits of the survey done so everything is in one
>> file and I don’t have to join it all together.
>> Sorry if this is a bit of a stupid question but if you don’t ask you
>> never find out.
>> Nick Bairstow
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