Hi Torstein,

There is an undocumented feature which can help you that I am using once 
in a while to redraw an elevation with a new projection from the same 
scraps or to redraw a passage that has been too distorted: you can 
export the morphed th2 files so that they are consistent with the 
coordinates with the xvi file. This is working essentially as an xvi 
export (see eample below).

HOWEVER, you should be careful that this feature is not documented for a 
good reason: most of the th2 options are missing in the exported th2 (eg 
label location and text, id of lines or points) so that the generated 
th2 file will not work properly. What I am doing , is comparing the two 
th2 files (original and warped) using notepad++ compare plugin and reput 
all the options where they should be. This may take a while for a large 
drawing, but it is way more efficient than redrawing everything.

Hope that help



layout th2-export
scale 1 100
grid-size 1 1 1  m
sketches on  ## rewarped also sketches exported in th2 now

## Exports the maps and the images rewarped
# Do it only when needed!
export map -fmt th2 -o Elevation10_ReWarped.th2 -projection [elevation 
10] -layout th2-export
export map -fmt xvi -o Elevation10_ReWarped.xvi -projection [elevation 
10] -layout xvi-export

Le 10/05/2015 04:47, torstein finnesand a écrit :
> Hi fellows,
> Sometimes I realize that two scraps should have been one (for instance 
> scrap A in A.th2 should have been a part of scrap B in B.th2), in 
> particular when it's difficult to join them. It's easy to insert the 
> xvi file into the scrap B file. But I have to draw it again.
> Is there any workaround here?
> Torstein Finnesand
> Norway
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