Hi mappers!

I've an idea for a new Therion-feature. 

The feature affects only the elevation view, in a stated view direction.

The target is, to get a map with a elevation projection and a reference to
the surface.

If a surface is integrated in the project, it could be used to generate
automatically a surface-panorama from the surface point-cloud, on the basis
of the elevation-view-direction. And this could be printed to the elevation

(like http://www.viewfinderpanoramas.org/panoramas.html)

With an layout option should it be controlled: e.g.:

elevation-panorama on|grid|off


no surface panorama (default)


One panorama piece, calculated from view direction and the middled object

Or serval panorama pieces, one per entrance reference or/and the panorama
was calculated by topographic prominence in the integrated surface.



serval panoramas (each calculated on the grid value, opaque on top of each


With a waypointlist in the surface block could be peak's or other interessts

Or with a new fixed station flag, e.g. "peak".

This would be a nice feature.

Is this possible? Or absolutely utopistic?


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