I have tried this with two small and simple caves to see, how it will 
make the tranformations and computings (just to be able to controll it), 
but unfortunately it seems to be extremely inaccurate with surfaces or 
even volumes due to incorrect tranformation. Or am I the one mistaken?

Dňa 2015-10-21 23:35 Footleg napísal(a):
> Looks like a great topic to add to the wiki Martin. I used the export
> to vtk and import into Paraview before when creating a model for 3D
> printing. But beyond that point I was not involved in processing the
> data further (the person arranging the 3D printing handled it from
> here on). I am sure there is more to learn which can then be added to
> the topic if you start a wiki page for this.
> Footleg
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 6:00 PM Martin Sluka <martinsluka at mac.com>
> wrote:
>> Therion and 3D
>> Therion is able to export 3D model in format .lox based on LRUD
>> data, shape of walls in plan and passage height informations
>> recently. If the map is drawn in correct way these models are quite
>> good. To view the model one should use internal viewer of Therion
>> named Loch. The Loch has feature to export model in the VTK format.
>> And several softwares for manipulating with 3D data for example
>> CloudCompare or Paraview are able to import this VTK format.
>> CloudCompare is able to export next formats:
>> BIN .bin CloudCompare own format
>> ASCII .asc,.txt,.xyz,.neu,.pts ASCII point cloud file (X,Y,Z,etc.)
>> LAS .las ASPRS lidar point clouds
>> E57 .e57 ASTM E57 file format
>> PCD .pcd Point Cloud Library format
>> PLY .ply Stanford 3D geometry format (cloud or mesh)
>> OBJ .obj Wavefront mesh
>> VTK .vtk VTK file format (triangular mesh or cloud only)
>> STL .stl STereoLithography file format (mesh)
>> OFF .off Object File Format (mesh)
>> FBX .fbx Autodesk (Filmbox) File Format
>> DXF .dxf Autocad DXF format
>> SHP .shp ESRI Shape file format
>> RASTER .geotiff, etc. Common raster formats (GDAL)
>> PV .pv Point cloud + scalar field
>> PN .pn Point cloud + normals
>> Sinusx .sx Sinusx curves
>> ParaView is able to work with next formats:
>> ParaView files
>> VTK files
>> Parallel (partitioned) VTK files
>> VTK MultiBlock (MultiGroup, Hierarchical, Hierarchical Box) files
>> Legacy VTK files
>> Parallel (partitioned) legacy VTK files
>> EnSight files
>> EnSight Master Server files
>> Exodus files
>> BYU files
>> XDMF files
>> PLOT3D files
>> SpyPlot CTH files
>> HDF5 raw image data files
>> DEM files
>> VRML files
>> PLY Polygonal files
>> Protein Data Bank files
>> XMol Molecule files
>> Stereo Lithography files
>> Gaussian Cube files
>> Raw (binary) files
>> AVS files
>> Meta Image files
>> Facet files
>> PNG files
>> SAF files
>> LS-Dyna files
>> So you may for example calculate surface and volume of cave -
>> thanks to Filippo Gregori:
>> 1) Export the lox file to vtk format
>> 2) With Paraview software I opened the file vtk
>> 3) Save the file as .x3d
>> 4) Open the file x3d in Meshlab software
>> 6) Apply the filter: Filters -> Quality measure and computation ->
>> compute geometric Measures
>> 7) Open log window: View -> Show Layer dialog
>> 8) Read the lines Volume Mesh and Mesh Surface
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