Yes I bought a pack of 10 from gadget geek.

Sent from my Samsung device

-------- Original message --------
From: Rob Countess <> 
Date: 27/09/2015  06:46  (GMT+05:45) 
To: List for Therion users <therion at> 
Subject: Re: [Therion] GPS app for android 

Thanks Martin, I'm trying it out.

Bruce, are you using a stylus with you galaxy s5? can you recommend one?

On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Martin Sluka <martinsluka at> wrote:

there is free and pro version
Your mobile Topographer!

*** Increase GPS accuracy using:
- Weighted averaging (on every axis).
- Map calibration.
- Device calibration on map, or on a know point.*** Display and convert GPS 
geodetic to Cartesian EN coordinates and back:
- UTM.
- Europe ETRS89/UTMZ28-38.
- Hellas HGRS 87 (EGSA 87).
- Hellas HTRS07/TM07.
- Iceland ISN93/Lambert 93.
- Morroco Merchich.
- SPCS83 (124 zones) USA.
- Romania S-42(58)/Stereo 70.
- Lebanon & Syria Deir ez Zor/Stereo.
- Croatia HTRS96/TM.
- Serbia SRB-ETRS89/UTM, SRB-MGI/Z7.
- Australia MGA94 (GDA94), AMG66 (AGD66) National, A.C.T., Northern Territory, 
NSW & Victoria, Tasmania,AMG84 (AGD84).
- Former FR of Yugoslavia MGI Balkans zones 5,6 & 7.
- Italy Monte Mario West Zone 1 Peninsular, West Zone 1 Sardinia, East Zone 2 
Peninsular, East Zone 2 Sicily.
- Costa Rica CΜ05/CRTM05, Ocotepeque 1935 Costa Rica Norte & Ocotepeque 1935 
Costa Rica Sur.
- Cyprus CGRS-93-LTM.
- Hungary HD72/EOV.
- Kosovo KosovaREF01.
- Latvia LKS92/TM.
- Lithuania LKS94/TM.
- Spain ED50/UTMZ29-30 NW, ED50/UTMZ29-31 ML & ED50/UTMZ31 BA.
- Uk's OSTN02/OSGM02.
- Turkey ED50/Gauss-Kruger 3° Z9-15, ITRF96 & ED50/UTMZ35-38.
- Luxembourg LUREF.
- Venezuala REGVEN/Z18-20.
- Sweden SWEREF99 TM.
- Argentina POSGAR 94 & POSGAR 2007.
- India Kalianpur 1975 ZI - ZIV.
- Algeria Nord Sahara 1959 / Z29-32.
- Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia - 
Kaliningrad and Kazakhstan Pulkovo 1942/ CS63 (A)Z1-4, (C)Z0-2, (K)Z2-4.
- Central and South America SIRGAS 2000.
- Nigeria and Cameroon Minna 1996 & 2008 MTM West, Mid, East Belts & UTM Z31-33.
- Bangladesh Gulshan 303/TM.
- France RGF93/CC42-50.
- Canada CSRS
- Egypt 1907 Blue, Red, Purple, Extended Purple belts.
- Portugal ETRS89/PTM06.
- Netherlands Amersfoort/RD new.
- Qatar QND95.
- Colombia MAGNA-SIRGAS Far West, West, Bogota, Central East, East zones.
- Mexico ITRF 2008/LCC.
- Madagascar Tananariva (Paris)/Laborde & Tananariva/UTM Z38-39S .
- Tunisia Carthage (Paris)/Mining Grid, Carthage/Nord, Carthage/Sud, 
Carthage/TM 11 NE, Carthage/UTM zone 32N.*** Auto stop for accurate 
positioning.*** Examine the satellites above you in a sky view.*** Signal 
strength and number of satellites indication for each GNSS constellation 
individually.*** Multiple units support:
- Meters, 
- International feet,
- US survey feet.***Height calculation:
- Ellipsoidal height.
- EGM96 orthometric height calculation.*** Convert from geodetic to Cartesian 
coordinates and back:
- Support for device measured points, or
- Manually input of geodetic or Cartesian coords.*** Drive me:
- Key in coordinates of the target point in either geodetic or Cartesian 
coordinates, or select a point from the list and follow the pointer.
- Compass indicating both magnetic and true North.*** Project on Map:
- Project individual points on any map application.
- Project list of points, and the defined polygon, on embedded maps.*** Save 
multiple point lists, to use them later. *** Calculate area.*** Export point 
lists το:
- .txt (text file)
- .csv (point file - comma separated)
- .kml (google earth file)
- .gpx (Gps Exchange format)
- .dxf (drawing file)*** Send file via e-mail, or upload it to cloud.*** 
Complete help text support.

26. 9. 2015 v 23:15, Rob Countess <rob.countess at>:

So I ended up with a Samsung galaxy S5 Active. Can anyone recommend a good app 
for android that does GPS averaging to get accurate fixes on cave entrances? 
Other good GPS apps useful for cave stuff?
I thought i saw something on this listserv but my searched came up empty.
I'm looking forward to testing out my set up.

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