On Feb 4, 2016 11:20, "Владимир Георгиев" <vld.georgiev at 
gmail.com> wrote:
> A couple of questions:
> The Cave3D has an export function in ASCII and binary. What format does
it actually export for both options? Is it for internal use or it can be
reused from other apps?

they are both stl

> I have two working folders from two different caves, one is in the
default TopoDroid folder, the other is with a different name. I can't
change between them now, but it used to work some time ago. Now only the
default one is shown.
> There is no OK button, so I'm not sure it is accepting the new folder
name when I tap on it.

this is a bug.
thanks for pointing it out.

> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:46 PM, Владимир Георгиев 
> <vld.georgiev at gmail.com>
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:36 PM, Marco Corvi <marco.corvi at gmail.com>
>>> > How hard would it be to add one?
>>> not very hard.
>>> the most difficult thing is to come up with a nice way to interact with
the user, while keeping the interface simple.
>>> any idea?
>> ​Something like a shortcut Ctrl-Shift-D, which when pressed will delete
the currently selected point in a line. Then the next one gets selected, as
it currently is.
>> You will still have to click on a point initially to select it. When I
had to remove a lot of points for each one I had to right-click and select
the submenu item. It would be faster to click a point with the mouse with
one hand and press a keyboard shortcut to delete it :)
>> Not much of an issue if you do it a couple of times, only matters if you
have to repeat it more.
>>> > Does anyone know what part of the source handles the shortcuts for
>>> not sure what you mean.
>>> can you explain more ?
>> ​I meant that I could add it to the xtherion app and recompile it, but I
don't know what and where should be changed and how easy it would be.​
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