Well, since line "rope" doesn't seem to work, I ended up using the user
rope line from the sample metapost code
It is Christian Jackson's code with slight modification of the pattern.

  code metapost
    def l_u_rope (expr P) =
      pickup pensquare scaled (0.8*u/10);
      if known colour_rope:
        thdraw P withcolor colour_rope;
        thdraw P withcolor 0.1black+0.7white;
      pickup PenD;
      thdraw P dashed dashpattern(on 1bp off 3bp on 1bp off 1bp);


On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Владимир Георгиев 
<vld.georgiev at gmail.com>

> Hi
> I was trying to add a line:rope to a map, but without any success.
> In the data.mp file I see there is a definition of the "l_rope" line,
> which is equal to the "l_rope_SKBB", but the rope line I drew didn't appear
> with either the UIS or the SKBB symbol-set.
> I also tried including some metapost code in the layout to define the
> line, but again without result. The metapost worked for other line types
> like ropeladder, but not for rope.
> A workaround is to define a custom symbol "u:rope", but I wonder why the
> built-in one doesn't work.
> Any ideas?
> Vladimir
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  • [Therion] Rope line Владимир Георгиев
    • [Therion] Rope line Владимир Георгиев

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