
TeX variables are not accessible in MetaPost. However, there is a
numeric MagDecl variable in MetaPost (see the chapter New map symbols
in the thbook).


On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 1:05 PM, Dirk Peinelt <dirk.peinelt at t-online.de> 
> Is there a way to handle the content of the \magdecl TEX-variable in
> METAPOST? (Therion V5.3.16)
> In a string or numeric? – I think, i‘ve an syntax problem…
> 1.) string handling:
> string dec;
> %dec:=“3.022“; % FINE!
> dec:=\magdecl; % ERROR
> p_label.top(thTEX(dec),(0,0),0,8); % >> string output
> 2.) numeric handling:
> numeric dec;
> %dec:=3.022; % FINE!
> dec:=\magdecl; % ERROR
> p_label.top(thTEX(decimal dec),(0,0),0,8); % >> numeric to string output
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