On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Bruce <bruce at tomo.co.nz> wrote:

> Possibly option to include ‘map-comment’ for export plan –o 
> “cave.kml”
​That might be nice, yes. I will see if I can do it. I still have problems
finding where a particular piece of data is stored in Therions data
structures​. But for the plan kml it should be possible.

> > The next feature I was considering is the option to add images inside
> of scraps(with "point image [file name]..."), and not only in the layout
> with map-image. I need to research some more about inserting images in TEX
> and Metapost and how to position them.
> A similar idea, perhaps, was discussed some years ago.
> Refer to the first few returns of this search
> http://search.gmane.org/?query=link&group=gmane.comp.gis.therion
> My preferred implementation would be to have a ‘link’ property for most
> point entities as described in here.
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.therion/3029/match=link
> There could be another property that results in the destination file (if
> image or plain text) ‘printing’ in the resulting cave pdf output (which is
> more like what you describe).
​That is an interesting idea too. I will read the old discussions.
Placing the link properties and parsing them is not a problem. The thing is
how to display them best in the outputs and how to easily control them.

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