2016-09-27 8:41 GMT-03:00 Martin Sluka <martinsl...@mac.com>:
> It could be. Just to delete manually hyphen in raft-cone in .th2 file and
> compile it again.

Unfortunatelly not:

therion: error -- croqui4.th2 [57] -- unknown point type -- raftcone

What now?


> m.
> On Sep 27, 2016, at 01:38 PM, Rodrigo Severo <rodr...@fabricadeideias.com>
> wrote:
> 2016-09-27 8:20 GMT-03:00 Rodrigo Severo <rodr...@fabricadeideias.com>:
> Could the problem be related to the fact that the point type written
> on my th2 file is "raft-cone" with a hyphen and the p_ type is named
> "raftcone" without a hyphen?
> 2016-09-27 3:03 GMT-03:00 Martin Sluka <martinsl...@mac.com>:
> First of all, thanks for your help and attention.
> There is the file thTrans.mp in the mpost directory of Therion.
> In that file there are the rules which symbol to use for the final output.
> Anyway it should work as you presume:
> let p_scallop = p_scallop_UIS;
> let p_flute = p_flute_UIS;
> let p_raft = p_raft_NSS;
> let p_raftcone = p_raftcone_NSS;
> let p_spring = p_spring_SKBB;
> let p_sink = p_sink_SKBB;
> Check it, please.
> Unfortunatelly I don`t have neither this file nor this directory on my
> system. Did I mention that I`m using a Ubuntu package? ;)
> Can`t I get this info from some file in the thTMPDIR?
> I found this on the data.mp file:
> root@prata15:~/Dropbox/EGB/exploracao poco
> surubim/topografia/thTMPDIR# grep -irn raft .
> ./data.mp:1305:def p_raft_NSS (expr pos,theta,sc,al)=
> ./data.mp:1313:def p_raftcone_NSS (expr pos,theta,sc,al)=
> ./data.mp:4794:let p_raft = p_raft_NSS;
> ./data.mp:4795:let p_raftcone = p_raftcone_NSS;
> ./data.mp:4986:initsymbol("p_raft_NSS");
> ./data.mp:4987:initsymbol("p_raftcone_NSS");
> ./data.mp:5137:p_raft((-22.99,-140.49),0.0,1.00,(0,0));
> ./data.mp:5139:p_raft((-20.97,-127.92),0.0,1.00,(0,0));
> ./data.mp:5141:p_raft((-23.21,-110.27),0.0,1.00,(0,0));
> ./data.mp:5143:p_raft((-10.48,-105.85),0.0,1.00,(0,0));
> .
> .
> .
> There is this ¨:let p_raftcone = p_raftcone_NSS;¨ line that looks
> promising but only p_raft is called, never p_raftcone
> Ideias?
> Martin s.
> 26. 9. 2016 v 23:30, Rodrigo Severo <rodr...@fabricadeideias.com>:
> Hi,
> I'm producing PDFs of a map with raft cones but Therion is preparing a
> PDF with raft (calcite raft) symbols instead.
> I tried changing the points to raft but the rendering doesn't change.
> I'm using Ubuntu Therion 5.3.16.
> How can I further debug this issue?
> Regards,
> Rodrigo Severo
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