
I am sorry, but when I have tried, I was not able to reproduce your
problem. Could you please post some small sample, where this behavior

Thanks, S.

On 15 February 2017 at 11:09, Torsten Schnitter via Therion <
therion@speleo.sk> wrote:

> Hi
> I get a strange problem with survey data and clino numbers.
> I  can't figure out the error and therefore need any help or advice.
> I have to stations with this data:
>   survey line_25
>     centreline -id "line_25"
>       date 2014.09.23
>       cs lat-long
>       walls on
>       units compass degree
>       data normal from   to     left right up   down tape compass
> backcompass clino backclino
>                   ....
>                   IMO113 IMO114  0.0  0.0   0.0  0.0 58.7 132
> 309           0.5  -2.0
>                   ....
>     endcentreline
>   endsurvey
> The output is shown in attached picture "Clino-Problem.jpg" which is
> elevation view of course.
> The problem is that this survey shot (grey line) is going much to high on
> the right side. The difference in height from left point to right point
> should be less than 1m (squares in background of image are 1m).
> I checked this with: sin(1.25°) x 58,7m = 1,28m. So the difference in
> height should be 1,28m.
> (The calculated average of clino should be 1,25°, shouldn't it!?)
> But the picture shows a difference of close to 5m related to the squares.
> To show this strange problem more easy I changed the clino and backclino
> numbers to 0 and expected a horizontal shot:
>   survey line_25
>     centreline -id "line_25"
>       date 2014.09.23
>       cs lat-long
>       walls on
>       units compass degree
>       data normal from   to     left right up   down tape compass
> backcompass clino backclino
>                   ....
>                   IMO113 IMO114  0.0  0.0   0.0  0.0 58.7 132
> 309           0.0  0.0
>                   ....
>     endcentreline
>   endsurvey
> The output is shown in attached picture "Clino-Zero.jpg" and as you can
> see the shot is not horizontal. The difference in height is around 4m. But:
> sin(0°) x 58,7m = 0m. So the difference in height should be zero.
> So what I'm missing or doing wrong?
> Thanks for you help,
> Torsten
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