On 2017-03-05 19:30 +0200, Benedikt Hallinger via Therion wrote:
> The same reason like already told in this thread: the data should reflect
> otherwise recorded data.

Right, but in this case they didn't actually turn up, so how is it
correct to leave them as listed on the survey team?

I, too, like to keep notes original, but when they are provably wrong
they are changed (usually with a comment explaining the change from
the original notes). This happens regularly for instrument readings,
and sometimes for station conenctions. It can happen for team members

Unless someone wants to propose a general 'revised notes' command, I
don't think it makes sense to provide this for team members, but not
readings, or indeed anything else.

I can see that marking data as 'revised from original notes' might
actually be useful (because that effectively makes it possible to show
the 'thisa was revised' comments in some kind of UI).

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