Thank you Bruce and Martin for the replies and links to further reading.
These were really helpful.

Martin, I am not sure what -flip right, left in centreline is about. I
cannot find any reference to using flip in centrelines in the Therion book.
But the -flip horizontal scrap option which both of you pointed me to did
the trick.

In summary, I draw my scrap using the extended elevation sketch from
PocketTopo (which was for a passage heading downslope almost due West). I
set that scrap type to 'elevation [000]' which represents a 'West to East'
slice through the cave model, but also add the '-flip horizontal' into the
scrap options. This turns my scrap which was drawn using a sketch
representing more or less along the elevation [180] view into a scrap
projected onto elevation [000] with minimal distortion. The Rendering looks

So this is a nice easy technique for easy linear passages along the same
approximate bearing as the elevation view you want to present, and allows
you to directly use the extended elevation sketch from PocketTopo as the
background (so you get the features like auto numbering of survey stations
in the sketch editor).

For passages not conveniently all aligned with the plane of the elevation
slice I will have to distort the drawings in the X dimension only to match
the approximate station spacing in the projection, then load these as PNG
background sketches and place the stations by hand. I'll report back on how
I get on.

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