
Does nobody have any solution for this problem?
Or I'm the only one having this problem?

For clarification I added two pictures:
- waterdepth-normal is with "scale 1 500" and without changing base-scale
- waterdepth-wrong is with "scale 1 500" and "base-scale 1 1500"

The number itself is also to big after changing base-scale.
It doesn't fit into the frame anymore.


> Torsten Schnitter via Therion <therion@speleo.sk> hat am 5. Juli 2017 um 
> 12:51 geschrieben:
>     Hi
>     I observed a strange behavior of "point passage-height" or better let's 
> say of it's symbol size in legend.
>     Using scale and base-scale in layout with different numbers the size of 
> the symbol is changing in size and shouldn't.
>     Other symbols like e.g. water flow don't behave like this.
>     They don't change their size in legend when changing base-scale.
>     For example:
>     scale 1 500
>     base-scale 1 1500
>     The size of the symbol in legend is way to big and therefore doesn't fit 
> into it's box anymore.
>     Is there any solution for this problem?
>     Thanks,
>     Torsten


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