Hello everyone -
I have been working on a multi-cave project for a while.  Each cave exists as 
its own separate set of files.  A few months ago - with help from this group - 
I figured out how to get a single output file that contains all four cave 
The combined map is generated from a single thconfig file that uses "source" 
commands to bring in the .th files from each of the member caves.
Now we have surveyed a link between two of the four caves.  I need to set up 
an "equate" command so that the two caves actually link up.  According to 
Aven, the gap is about 30 feet.  Some of that, I am sure, is due to rounding 
errors in the GPS locates for the two caves.  
Based on a message from Martin, I added a .th file which contains a "survey" 
command.  However, that is generating an error from Therion:
therion 5.4.1 (2017-04-18) 
cavern - Survex 1.2.34 
initialization file: /etc/therion.ini 
reading ... done 
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016) (preloaded 
restricted \write18 enabled. 
entering extended mode 
checking optional fonts csr10 csti10 csbx10 csss10 csssi10 ... NOT INSTALLED 
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016) (preloaded 
restricted \write18 enabled. 
entering extended mode 
checking optional fonts cmcyr10 cmcti10 cmcbx10 cmcss10 cmcssi10 ... NOT 
configuration file: thconfig 
reading ... 
therion: error -- BigCavernRanch.th [9] -- unknown configuration command -- 

The thconfig and .th files I used are embedded below as text.
Where should I put the "equate" command that will link the two caves?
Bill Gee

=============  thconfig  ============
encoding  utf-8

input BigCavernRanch.th
input ../TherionMasterFiles/CustomSymbolsCode.txt

# This layout is for the main 2D map, all on one page
layout basics
        units imperial
        scale-bar 50 feet
        page-numbers on
        north true
        rotate 0
        symbol-color group centerline [80 20 0]
        symbol-color area water [0 0 100]
        map-comment "The caves of Big Cavern Ranch, Pulaski County, Missouri"
        statistics explo all
        legend on
        map-header 3 65 w
        symbol-set UIS

# Section for PDF properties
        doc-author "Bill Gee"
        doc-title "The Caves of Big Cavern Ranch"
        doc-subject "The Caves of Big Cavern Ranch"

# Section for map photos

# Bring in the custom symbols
  copy CustomSymbols

# Reassign names 
  symbol-assign point gradient AMER
  symbol-assign point stalagmite AMER
  symbol-assign point stalactite AMER
  symbol-assign point pillar AMER
  symbol-assign point popcorn AMER

layout mainmapnocolor
  copy basics
  symbol-show group centerline
  debug station-names
  scale 1 200
  color map-fg [100 86 66]

layout mainmapwithcolor
  copy basics
  symbol-show group centerline
  debug station-names
  scale 1 200
  color map-fg altitude

layout mainmapprint
  copy basics
  scale 1 800
  debug off
  symbol-hide group centerline
  color map-fg [100 86 66]

layout mainmapnocolor
  copy basics
  symbol-show group centerline
  debug station-names
  scale 1 200
  color map-fg [100 86 66]

layout mainmapwithcolor
  copy basics
  symbol-show group centerline
  debug station-names
  scale 1 200
  color map-fg altitude

layout mainmapprint
  copy basics
  scale 1 800
  debug off
  symbol-hide group centerline
  color map-fg [100 86 66]

# Change the legend callouts
  text en_US "point u:stalagmaflat_AMER" "stalagmaflat"
  text en_US "line u:dripline_AMER" "dripline"
  text en_US "point u:pendant" "pendant"
  text en_US "point u:stromatolite" "stromatolite"
# Now list all the map files to be created.

# The main plan map
export map -proj plan -layout mainmapnocolor -o BigCavernRanch.pdf

# The main map for printing
export map -proj plan -layout mainmapprint -o BigCavernRanchPrint.pdf

# Main plan map with elevations colorized
export map -proj plan -layout mainmapwithcolor -o BigCavernRanchColored.pdf

# Create an atlas map
# export atlas -proj plan -layout mainmapnocolor -o BigCavernRanchAtlas.pdf

# create a centerline map using XVI format
# export map -proj plan -fmt xvi -o BigCavernRanch.xvi

# Create a 3d map for use with Loch
export model -fmt loch -o BigCavernRanch.lox

# Create a 3d map for use with Survex/Aven
export model -fmt 3d -o BigCavernRanch.3d

# Create a KML file for Google Earth
export map -proj plan -fmt kml -output BigCavernRanch.kml
==========  BigCavernRanch.th  ===========
# Bring in subsidiary files

# Name the input caves
source ../AllieSpringCaveSurvey/AllieSpringCave.th
source ../MillCreekCaveSurvey/MillCreekCave.th
source ../ShiftyRockPit/ShiftyRockPit.th
source ../CascadeCaverns/CascadeCaverns.th

survey all
  equate AA42@ShiftyRockPit DR23@AllieSpringCave

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