To ability to export xvi as part of PDF output is long time on to-do list.

The export of morphed sketches is part of exporting maps based on scraps or 
partial maps based on scraps, not exporting centerlines as defined in maps 
based on surveys.


> 14. 2. 2019 v 7:56, Duncan Collis via Therion <>:
> Hi, Bruce.
> Thanks for the reply. The wiki pages you linked were one of the most
> helpful resources when I was trying to get this to work, along with
> Marco Corvi's "Therion by Examples".
> I've tried selecting surveys, but when I do that I get an XVI file
> containing the centreline of the selected surveys, but no background
> sketches, even if I also select the map with the sketches in it.
> Changing the order of the select statements doesn't make any
> difference. I've also tried adding scrap outlines by drawing walls
> around the areas of interest in the th2 file in the vain hope that
> this would have some effect, but it did nothing. I've tried selecting
> scraps directly instead of maps, with the same result.
> I think that this has the potential to be a really useful feature, but
> unfortunately its current behaviour regarding inclusion of centreline
> makes it all but unusable in large projects.
> Best regards,
> Duncan.
> On 14/02/2019, Bruce Mutton via Therion <> wrote:
>> Duncan
>> I think your experience is more or less consistent with that here
>> that I experimented
>> with 4-5 years ago.
>> One observation I made was that exporting a map to xvi actually produced
>> something more akin to a model.  In those pages I did not have any -sketch
>> specified with the scraps, so I guess all Therion had to work with was the
>> centreline (model).
>> Although I don't think there is anything about on that wki page, I recall
>> that xvi map exports are a bit 'scattergun' in that they do not respect the
>> limits of the selected map.
>> Maybe if a survey is selected rather than a map you may have better xvi
>> control?
>> Have a look at this table
>>, it may provide some
>> insight.  It may no longer be current, and there may have been mistakes in
>> it from the start.  Any feedback welcome.
>> Bruce
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Therion <> On Behalf Of Duncan Collis via
>> Therion
>> Sent: Thursday, 14 February 2019 15:10
>> To:
>> Cc: Duncan Collis <>
>> Subject: [Therion] Inconsistent SELECT behaviour for pdf and xvi map output
>> with background sketches..
>> In my th2 file I've got scraps with -sketch specified, and stations placed
>> to enable warping/morphing of these background images.
>> In th2 a map is defined (let's call it map_A) which includes the scraps I
>> want.
>> Then in .thconfig:
>> select map_A
>> layout morph
>>  scale 1 500
>>  grid bottom
>>  grid-size 100 100 100 m
>>  sketches on
>>  grid off
>> endlayout
>> # Output plan in Therion pdf format
>> export map \
>>  -projection plan \
>>  -format pdf\
>>  -output map_A.pdf \
>>  -layout morph
>> # Output plan in Therion xvi format
>> export map \
>>  -projection plan \
>>  -format xvi\
>>  -output map_A.xvi\
>>  -layout morph
>> PDF output is as expected from the manual. It shows the background images
>> attached to the scraps in the selected map, plus only the parts of the
>> centreline that are used in those scraps. However if I change the export
>> command to use XVI format, I get the background images and the centreline
>> for the whole project, which contains over 20,000 stations. This is very
>> difficult to use as it takes a long time for XTherion to load it, and then
>> the area I'm interested in is tiny compared with the whole drawing area, so
>> it requires quite a bit of zooming and scrolling to get there before I can
>> start working.
>> Am I right in thinking that the XVI output should contain the same bits of
>> centreline as appear in the PDF output, rather than the whole lot? Am I
>> missing something?
>> Also: 'grid off' does not seem to affect the XVI output, which is why I've
>> specified a fairly large grid size so that the grid isn't obscuring the
>> sketches. I'd really like to be able to disable the grid in XVI completely.
>> Is there a way to achieve these two things?
>> Best regards,
>> Duncan.
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