> 26. 5. 2019 v 18:36, Tarquin Wilton-Jones via Therion <therion@speleo.sk>:
> I have an idea that might just be crazy enough to work. If only I could
> get Therion to output an XVI file containing the stations and splays I
> am interested in.

Do you have stations in all the sections?

What to generate xvi file as in your example but without selections

source “cystanog.th <http://cystanog.th/>"
export map -projection [elevation 355] -fmt xvi -output “centerline.xvi"

In that case you receive xvi of all survey in cystanog.th <http://cystanog.th/>

If you use it as background image and create a scrap in which only those three 
stations and profiles will be defined and exported map with that scrap, you 
receive what you need. Not use point station in that scrap, and set its 
projection as none. I’m not sure what it will do with scale option in layout.

Then input the .th2 file with that scrap to .th file and use in plan scraps for 
section the name of that scrap as reference.

It should work.

My .th file, r means sections, s means scraps:

survey xxxxxx -title “xxxxxxxx"

input xxxxxx_s1_500.th2
input xxxxxx_s2_500.th2
input xxxxxx_s3_500.th2
input xxxxxx_s4_500.th2
input xxxxxx_s5_500.th2
input xxxxxx_podklad.th2
input xxxxxx_r1.th2
input xxxxxx_r2.th2
input xxxxxx_r3.th2
input xxxxxx_r4.th2
input xxxxxx_r5.th2
input xxxxxx_r6.th2
input xxxxxx_r7.th2
input xxxxxx_r8.th2
input xxxxxx_r9.th2
input xxxxxx_r10.th2
input scalebar.th2



And in plan .th2 is reference to section:

point 752.0 3128.0 section -scrap r8

because all the scraps are part of one namespace - survey xxxxxx.

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