Two new point symbols: walking and climbing man in scale on the map...

picture u_man_c_pic;
u_man_c_pic := image (
  draw (0cm, -0cm) -- (-8cm, 27cm) -- (-36cm, 55cm) -- (-50cm, 99cm)
withpen pencircle scaled 16cm;
  draw (27cm, 48cm) -- (0, 64cm) -- (-29cm, 61cm) -- (-38cm, 102cm)
 withpen pencircle scaled 16cm;
  draw (-65cm, 48cm) -- (-75cm, 75cm) -- (-53cm, 106cm) -- (0, 106cm)
withpen pencircle scaled 14cm;
  draw (-44cm, 130cm) withpen pencircle scaled 27cm withcolor black;
) shifted (20cm, -67cm);

picture u_man_w_pic;
u_man_w_pic := image (
  draw (0, 0) -- (7.5cm, 36cm) -- (0cm, 69cm) -- (9cm, 99cm) withpen
pencircle scaled 16cm;
  draw (42cm, 9cm) -- (37.5cm, 42cm) -- (13.5cm, 69cm) -- (30cm, 102cm)
withpen pencircle scaled 16cm;
  draw (21.5cm, 100.5cm) -- (6.6cm, 69cm) withpen pencircle scaled 16cm;
  draw (-24cm, 75cm) -- (-13.5cm, 102cm) -- (9cm, 112.5cm) -- (30cm, 108cm)
-- (51cm, 87cm) -- (75cm, 93cm) withpen pencircle scaled 14cm;
  draw (30cm, 132cm) withpen pencircle scaled 27cm withcolor black;
) shifted (-20cm, -70cm);

def p_u_man_c (expr P, R, S, A) =
  U := (60cm, 85cm) scaled (0.01 / Scale);
  T:=identity aligned A rotated R scaled S shifted P;
  thdraw u_man_c_pic scaled (0.01 / Scale);

def p_u_man_w (expr P, R, S, A) =
  U := (60cm, 80cm) scaled (0.01 / Scale);
  T:=identity aligned A rotated R scaled S shifted P;
  thdraw u_man_w_pic scaled (0.01 / Scale);

def p_u_man_c_legend =
  draw u_man_c_pic scaled (u / 175cm) shifted ((.5, .5) inscale);

def p_u_man_w_legend =
  draw u_man_w_pic scaled (u / 175cm) shifted ((.5, .5) inscale);

text en "point u:man_w" "caver (walking)"
text en "point u:man_c" "caver (climbing)"

Use "-align top" for proper alignment of the walking man when his point is
on the groung.
Climbing one has center where the rope should go on the harness...
The scale on the map and in the legend is matching just for 1:500...

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