See here:

Am 2021-03-09 11:41, schrieb Xavier Robert:

For my Therion’s projects, I wrote a global config file (Config.thc)
where I defined all the user defined symbols. In my thconfigs, I call
this config file at the beginning of the file with input config.thc.
In the layouts, I call the layouts of the config.thc that I want to
use with for instance copy drawingconfig.

In one of my thconfig, I would like to hide some of these symbols that
I have defined in the config file and drawn in a survey. For that, I
used in a layout, for instance, symbol-hide point u:symbol_plan (in my
config.thc in the layout drawingconfig, I defined the point
p_u_symbol_plan as proposed by Juraj Halama).

When I compile (with c43b32a), it crashes with this error : -- unknown
symbol specification -- point u:symbol_plan

Is it because symbol-hide cannot take in account user defined symbols
Is it because I misunderstood the syntax of this command for user
defined symbols ?
Is-it a bug ?


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