> when I do I always do a full reading

A splay is useful only for immediate error checking on the data
gathering device (magnetic or calibration), but cannot be used for
automatic error correction unless the app can do it for you (like
SexyTopo can, but only for opposing splays, not for opposing legs). So
there is a benefit to having a full leg there. However, for Disto
surveying, it feels largely unnecessary, as the accuracy is already a
lot more than most surveys need when just using forward sightings.

> instead Toporobot just generates a new station for the backsite.

This must be a nightmare for mistakes, always having to tell the app
which station the next readings are going to be taken from, before you
continue surveying.

> I then manually “equate” these in the .th file, creating a loop

While nice for error handling, this must make your cave lengths
completely meaningless; typically twice the correct length (if you
consistently do it throughout a survey). Or do you manually set the
"flags duplicate" for every backsight, then back to "flags not
duplicate" for the forward sighting?

Do Survex and Therion know to use only a single length if there is a
forward and backsight leg between the same two stations?

I sense an investigation coming soon unless Wookey appears with some
knowledge gem...


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