
There are a number of size settings listed in the default xtherion.ini:

## size of point

# set xth(gui,me,point,psize) 4


## size of line point

# set xth(gui,me,line,psize) 3


## line width

# set xth(gui,me,line,width) 3


## size of line control point

# set xth(gui,me,line,cpsize) 4


Adjusting these did occur to me, but I was being lazy and asking first, rather 
than experimenting.  I was hoping to keep the small size but have a large snap 

A comment in the ini file says there are many variables that have not been 
listed in the default ini files.  So thought I may as well ask.


I will have a play with the settings above next time I have a drawing session.





-----Original Message-----
Cc: Tarquin Wilton-Jones 
Subject: Re: [Therion] Updated XTherion editor side panel adjustment


On 28/02/2022 01:12, Bruce Mutton wrote:

> I expect there may be a variable I

> could edit in XTherion.ini (or is  XTherion.new.ini, there seems to be 

> one of each) that will increase the snapping distance.



It does not appear to be a snapping distance, per se. It appears to snap to the 
points when your cursor is over the top of whatever point you are trying to 
snap to. So the "distance" is basically "the point icon's size". That means 
that to change it, you would need to change the size of the point icon 
(normally a circle, but a triangle in the case of station points).


Though maybe there is some scaling option somewhere for that.


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