Has anyone done any work on the task of converting existing Tunnel
sketches (xml) to therion .th2 files?

CUCC (Cambridge Loser expeditions: https://expo.survex.com) has a huge
investment of tunnel drawings (55km of cave?), but because there are
no elevations for any of this and Tunnel is a bit niche we are
pondering using therion more.

If a semi-automated conversion of the existing drawings was possible, that 
would help enormously.

It seems like it shouldn't fundamentally be too hard to turn xml
lines/beziers into therion lines/beziers, and map the line types, but
there are issues with how to allocate lines to files and how to get
the scaling right.

I've not done anything at all about it yet, but thought I'd check if anyone 
else had before having a proper look.


Principal hats:  Debian, Wookware, ARM

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