Hi Philippe and Bruce,

> Can’t you just define some map in grey and some in colors depending on the 
> scrap and the connection ?

A nice thought, but sadly not. A single scrap might have 2 or 3
different connection arrows going from it, and there is no way to
distinguish between those from the MetaPost, except the order in which
they appear in the source. Any approach to fixing that becomes a
horrendous hack that quickly becomes unmaintainable for anyone else who
tries to work on the project.

Bruce, your thought process seems to have gone a long way along the same
lines as mine. In our cave, there are a crazy number of overlaps - 10
overlapping passages at one point - and a lot of shifted sections (it's
an exploded plan, because the plan is unusable otherwise), so without
actual arrows showing the parts a caver can travel through (the same
approach we used), it is a minefield of wondering which bit got shifted
to where. So yes, those arrows are needed in most cases (replacing the
odd couple with letters would not really clear up much confusion).
Clearly you ran into the same limitation, where the solution became to
create a custom point because Therion fails to pass variables into the

I could in fact create a custom point
read the -attr values, save them globally, and pick them up in the
MetaPost for the arrows. This is also a cludge, but a more flexible
cludge than my current one since I can have different themes. But it
means having another point showing up in the legend. Can p_u_foo be
hidden from the legend?


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