Hi Ofir,

> can I find the coordinates of a specific station?
> for example:
> having a survey with 10 stations,
> station 6 has "fix" coordinates, and is the only station with
> known coordinates.
> i want to find the coordinates for station 2 & 8.
> how?

1. Export a survex .3d file. Open it in Survex's "Aven" (the .3d
viewer). Hover any station, and the coordinates appear in the status bar
at the bottom of the window.

2. With Therion, if you label a station as an "entrance":

survey foo -title "mycave" -entrance 2
    station 2 "mycave main" entrance
    station 8 "mycave secondary" entrance

Then when you export a cave-list, it can give you the coordinates of
that station:

export cave-list -surveys on -location on -o cavelist.html

There may be other approaches too.


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