I have problems regarding setting up distributed index. I've read the
documents everywhere I can find in Google.... :~~

problem 1:
ThinkingSphinx always search

in development.sphinx.conf
  listen = xx.xx.xx.xx:3312      <= listen to specific localhost ip,
  log = /xxxx/log/searchd.log
  query_log = /xxx/log/searchd.query.log
  pid_file = /xxx/log/searchd.development.pid

index web_core
  source = web_core_0
  path = /xxxx/db/sphinx/development/web_core
  charset_type = zh_cn.utf-8
  charset_dictpath = /xxxx
  html_strip = 1

index web
  type = distributed
  agent = xx.xx.xx.xx:3312:web_core <= the IP of this server
  agent = yy.yy.yy.yy:3312:web_core <= the IP of the other server

in controller
@results_web= Web.search @query_string, :per_page=>5

When I use browse and point to the controller url, here is the error

Connection to on 3312 failed. Connection refused - connect

How can I make Thinking Sphinx and RoR to search the IP I want it to
search (xx.xx.xx.xx)

Ther result doesn't contain (remote distributed index) content.

With above setting, I then change  searchd listen interface to any

  listen = 3312      <= listen to all interface
  log = /xxxx/log/searchd.log
  query_log = /xxx/log/searchd.query.log
  pid_file = /xxx/log/searchd.development.pid

The controller can work now.... but the result always constraint to
"local index"
Even I remark the agent, controller can still do search! But still
"local index"...NO remote agent index!!
index web
  type = distributed
#  agent = xx.xx.xx.xx:3312:web_core
#  agent = yy.yy.yy.yy:3312:web_core

What's wrong with my config! HELP!

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