Dear Pat Allan,

Thanks very much for your help, I think you are right. MySQL2 was affected 
by an old MySQL installation.

For the record, this worked:

Removed all installations of MySQL and Sphinx
  brew uninstall mysql, brew uninstall mysql@5.7
  brew uninstall sphinx

Reinstalled MySQL@5.7 and Sphinx
  brew install mysql@5.7
  brew install sphinx

Ran 'gem install mysql2' from command line including the following '--with' 
flags. I think the path to 'mysql_config' is what made this work. This 
seems to correct the earlier error 
  Cannot find mysql_config at /usr/local/bin/mysql_config
when running gem install mysql2 without the flags.

  *gem install mysql2 --   

Justin Underwood

On Monday, March 30, 2020 at 12:30:43 PM UTC+1, Justin Underwood wrote:
> I am using macOS Mojave 10.14.6.
> I am trying to configure Sphinx to use MySQL database for a Ruby on Rails 
> project.
> I have been using Homebrew to install both Sphinx and MySQL. MySQL 
> installs correctly with Homebrew.
> I am experiencing errors running ./configure --with-mysql
> I get the. error 
> *ERROR: cannot find MySQL include files.*
> Check that you do have MySQL include files installed.
> The package name is typically 'mysql-devel'.
> If include files are installed on your system, but you are still getting
> this message, you should do one of the following:
> 1) either specify includes location explicitly, using 
> --with-mysql-includes;
> 2) or specify MySQL installation root location explicitly, using 
> --with-mysql;
> 3) or make sure that the path to 'mysql_config' program is listed in
>    your PATH environment variable.
> To disable MySQL support, use --without-mysql option.
> How should the include files be linked to? Should these files be installed 
> manually. If so how.
> Yours,
> Justin Underwood
> database

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