Anders Backefjall wrote:
> Error message:
> * Applying damn-amd64-incompatibility.patch ...
>  * Failed Patch: damn-amd64-incompatibility.patch !
>  *  ( 
> /usr/local/fluidportage/trunk/xfce-extra/thunar/files/damn-amd64-incompatibility.patch
> )

You should really report problems with ebuilds to the maintainers of the 

But I think I know what causes this problem: There was a problem with 
certain architectures concerning the copying of varargs in 
thunar-vfs-job.c, which I fixed some time ago. From what I know about 
amd64, this problem would have affected amd64 too. So I guess you just 
discovered an unnecessary patch there. As a quick fix: Get rid of the 
patch and thinks should work. But don't forget to inform the gentoo 

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