tor, 16 02 2006 kl. 13:09 -0300, skrev Miguel Angel Ruiz Manzano:
> That is right, but there is no way to close a directory (location) (or
> I
> don't know).

When you go to a subdirectory, the subdirectory shows last in the
pathbar. Then, if you go back to the parent directory, the subdirectory
will still show in the pathbar. The parent directory will be clearly
marked as the current directory. If you then go from the parent
directory to another subdirectory, the subdirectory you last went to
will be removed from the pathbar, as the path to that directory is now
broken, and the new subdirectory will be added instead.

It's a feature to keep pathbar buttons for child directories in the
pathbar until the path is broken, and I fail to see how a way to
manually remove buttons from the pathbar would be useful.

Remember; it's not tabs, only the current directory in a window is
actually open.


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