
Using a recent svn version of thunar I have a few small things that need 
fixing before stable release. Not sure whether they are on TODO already.

1) When the window is in "detailed list" mode I can't select multiple 
files with the mouse because the whole window is filled with drag 
sources. In rox only the name column is a drag source so you can start 
selecting from the second column.

2) When in "detailed list" mode you can not drag multiple files. If I 
select multiple files with the keyboard and I try to drag them with the 
mouse I only drag one files instead of the selection. Maybe this is 
related to 1) ?

3) I'm missing the Alt-down keybinding. Alt-up,left&right work as 
expected, but down doesn't. The gtk+ filechooser has implemented this 
keybinding to go downward in the pathbar. I'm kind of used to this 

Also I have one wish-list item. Could there also be a list view which is 
_not_ a detailed list. Thunar does not create much overview in large 
directories, the icon view shows relatively few items, even when zoomed 
out and the list view uses a lot of the screen for details. A view with 
filenames besides the icons (a list view) but without details can fit 
the most files in the window area; I would really like this.

Anyway, these are all minor issues, overall thunar works for me so it is 
replacing rox on my desktop.



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