Well IMHO, you should make ~/.Trash/ at least for version 1.0, and maybe let the trash-spec for a future version of Thunar, once the trash-spec gets more mature...
As Rast mentioned: better this trash than no trash...

By the way, I know this is not the right maillist, but anyone knows any expected release date fo Xfce 4.4?

On 2/21/06, Benedikt Meurer < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Stefan Stuhr wrote:
> Thunar doesn't have a trash like other file managers, and it doesn't
> seem like it will get one in time for Thunar 1.0 (I do hope that I'm
> wrong here). As I want to have a trash in my filemanager, I have
> developed a simple trash script - simpletrash.sh (shell script with
> embedded python code; attached to this mail) - with nice PyGTK dialogs,
> that can be used to move files to a trash folder.
> The script move files to ~/.Trash/ (which seems to be the same method
> Nautilus uses) and append a number to the end of the filename (before
> the extension) when there are name conflicts (e.g. file.txt >
> file-2.txt). It uses the mv command, as that seems to work better than
> the Python shutil.move method.
> If one runs the script without arguments, ~/.Trash/ will be opened in
> Thunar. Otherwise, the arguments are the files that one wants to move to
> the trash.
> The following suggestions expect the script to have the filename
> simpletrash.sh, be executable, and in a directory in $PATH.
> Suggestions for integration with Xfce and Thunar:
>       * Add a launcher to a panel with the script as command. You can
>         then drag-drop files from Thunar to the launcher to move them to
>         the trash. If you click on the launcher, ~/.Trash/ will be
>         opened in Thunar.
>       * Give ~/.Trash/ a nice trash emblem in Thunar.
>       * Add ~/.Trash/ to the shortcuts pane in Thunar and rename the
>         shortcut to Trash (or what you want your trash folder to be
>         called).
>       * Add a custom action in Thunar with (but without quotes) Name:
>         "Move to _Trash" and Command: "simpletrash.sh %F". Check all
>         check boxes on the Appearance Conditions tab.
>       * If and when Xfdesktop will get support for drag-dropping of
>         files onto .desktop files as in Thunar (which executes
>         the .desktop file's Exec with the dropped files as arguments),
>         you can put the attached trash.desktop file in ~/Desktop/ and
>         drop files onto it to move them to the trash.
> Be aware that this script only supports ~/.Trash/ as trash folder, and
> that files from other filesystems - removable media included - will be
> moved to ~/.Trash/ if you uses this script with them as arguments. You
> may not want to do that.
> There is some (as in three) configuration options for the script, in the
> top of the script after the GPL notice. One can configure the script not
> to show the confirmation dialog or the error dialog.
> Use this script at your own risk - any damage caused by this script
> isn't in any way intentional.

I haven't checked the script, as I don't have much spare time ATM, but
support for ~/.Trash/ could be added to Thunar as well. That's pretty
easy. Implementing the trash-spec is way harder.

So if people are happy with ~/.Trash/, I can add that to Thunar for Xfce

> Stefan

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