Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> Sebastian wrote:
>>I would have to agree with Harold here. Say you're browsing through a 
>>folder full of lots of content, maintaining a collection of something 
>>large. You decided to delete something, and then wish to continue 
>>browsing from where you left off. Yet now your position has been reset 
>>and you have to start back at the beginning or awkwardly use the mouse 
>>to reselect your place again.
>>Sure the alternative is to select multiple files, yet without 
>>considering that it's easy to miss-click and loose 30 some selected 
>>files, what if you want to open on of the files to further investigate 
>>its contents. Do this and you lose your selection. Delete the selection 
>>and your place gets reset and you must avoid using arrow keys or you'll 
>>have to refind your place.
>>I'd say while using keyboard and mouse together this isn't so bad, but 
>>it makes using the keyboard by itself inefficient.
> Guys, I think you are confusing the cursor with the selection. When
> deleting an item from the icon view, the cursor (if set) will be placed
> on the next item (or if there's no next item, on the prev item). The
> next item won't be selected, but it will have the keyboard focus. So
> keyboard navigation works perfectly here.
I'm not sure I follow. When I delete an item in either list or or icon 
view and then press an arrow key, it starts from the beginning again. 
I'm not sure what you mean by cursor... You say 'if set'. How does one 
set the cursor? Would that be the dotted line around the files? If I 
click on the file with the mouse, no dotted line. If I use the arrow 
keys there is now a dotted line. But still when I delete something the 
dotted line disappears and pressing an arrow key starts from the 
beginning... is there something I'm not getting?

While I'm at it, another question. Will it ever be possible to use the 
mouse to click-drag select multiple files via list view? It seems right 
now like it isn't designed for this, but I wonder why... I suppose if 
designed for this, then to select a single file you'd need to  click 
over the actual text instead of anywhere along the row. But doesn't this 
also give the advantage of being able to right-click without selecting 
the file, and thus perform an action (like making a new folder) on the 
current directory instead of the selected file? Right now you can only 
access the current directory right-click menu if the directory has empty 
space to right-click in, which it does not if it is full of files. So 
then you must access these things by the file/edit/view menus or 
keyboard shortcuts. Not impossible to deal with, if this is how you want 
it, just wondering.

>>That's my opinion, for what it's worth.
> Benedikt

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