On Wed, 05 Apr 2006 16:32:55 +0200
Benedikt Meurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jannis Pohlmann wrote:
> >>>>3. a tag can contain characters that are nog allowed in a
> >>>>filename... f.e. "?" ... and it happen to be that this ?-sign is
> >>>>in a lot of my tags or so it seems
> >>>
> >>>"?" is allowed in filenames. You just have to escape it when
> >>>working on the shell. Some people might want to use it (e.g. there
> >>>may be song titles like "Guess what?"). If I would disallow "?",
> >>>I'd also have to replace spaces because they have to be escaped in
> >>>the shell, too. 
> >>
> >>The point is that there are certain Operating Systems, and their
> >>filesystems (that shall remain nameless) that do not allow certain
> >>characters, and bitch about it in almost every occasion. If they
> >>find such a file (f.e. in a samba share), they pretend it doesn't
> >>exist.
> >>
> >>I am sure that many people would like to remain compatible to that,
> >>for many reasons, like because they are forced to work in such
> >>enviroments.
> > 
> > That's no problem. Just search for a good tag editor (which allows
> > you to change a lot of files in a fast way) and fix the tags.
> > 
> > Anyway, if there's a list of absolutely incompatible chars, I might
> > consider replacing them with underscores (which again not everyone
> > likes).
> Since the plugin has to open all files anyway, you could also add an
> additional statfs()/statvfs() call and check whether the filesystem is
> SMBFS, FAT, etc. and if so replace chars.

Good idea. Can anyone point me to locations where I find information
about supported characters for the different filesystems?

- Jannis

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