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Jari Rahkonen wrote:
> Rodrigo Coacci wrote:
>> Well finally, here are the screenshots:
>> http://www.dcc.ufrj.br/~rcoacci/thunar.jpg
>> http://www.dcc.ufrj.br/~rcoacci/xfdesktop.jpg
>> The first one shows the properties dialog from Thunar
>> an the second one, from xfdektop. Tha language is pt_BR. Notice the "??" in
>> the xfdesktop dialog.
>> Those are the last thunar and xfdesktop svn versions.
>> Hope it helps
> It's also weird that the file context menu on the desktop and parts of
> the dialog are in English, if your locale is actually set to pt_BR. Were
> both packages started with the same locale? Or do you manually (or
> otherwise) switch locales after the desktop has started? This might be
> completely off the mark, but personally I've never seen this problem.
> BTW, as far as I understand, the dialog in xfdesktop is actually copied
> from thunar, but isn't really the _same_ dialog. I recall seeing these
> same strings in the translation files for both packages. So this has
> possibly nothing to do with thunar and the thread should probably be on
> xfce4-dev.

The Launcher properties page is actually supplied by a Thunar plugin.
I'm not sure how the translation works at all, since the strings would
be in a thunar's .mo file, and it would be trying to look in
xfdesktop's.  Unless Benny did some trickery.


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