In data 11 settembre 2006 alle ore 22:53:39, Benedikt Meurer  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:

> Luca Bruno wrote:
>> For sure,
>> i'm using HAL to shutdown but you need also sudo ;)
>> You have to put something like this in /etc/sudoers
>> %users ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/xfce/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper
>> I don't remember the exact line, but it should be closer to that...
>> Good luck.
> You don't need sudo if HAL allows Shutdown/Reboot for your user on the
> org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement interface. I.e. to
> allow all users in the group "users" to shutdown via HAL add this to
> your system message bus configuration:
> <policy group="users">
> <allow  
> send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement"/>
> </policy>
> xfce4-session spits out a message when you click logout, whether HAL can
> be used or not (using autodetection on the power management interface).
> Check ~/.xsession-errors.

Nice, in fact i still don't know many things of how dbus and hal work.

>> Please take care of HAL mount/umount/eject scripts, this would mean
>> removing pmount dependency for several distros, even for my LFS.
> I dunno which scripts you are talking about:

I'm talking about  
These are put in the exec_paths for Mount, Umount and Eject methods in  

> HAL installs internal scripts in $(libexecdir) which are used to
> implement various HAL methods. Concerning the D-Bus methods, guess what
> pmount-hal and gnome-mount are using. But mounting requires a bit more
> than just calling the HAL method, that's why tools like pmount-hal and
> gnome-mount exist and I don't see any need nor use in duplicating code
> and increasing maintaince overhead by forking either of these. It's sure
> sad that David was too shortsighted to make gnome independent HAL mount
> wrapper tools, but that's gnome related ignorance, nothing new. If you
> can convince him to make mount/eject/unmount wrappers that do not depend
> on gnome, we'll happily use them.

No problem, i understand what you mean... i just suggested this thing  
hoping it was something easy to implement, i thought it was just a message  
to HAL which run the above scripts.

At all, good job. When i'll enstablish my box as good as i can i think  
i'll contribute to Xfce... i love it.


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