
Would it be possible to add a "panel" | "restricted" mode (as a CLI 
option) to Thunar?

I mean a mode with :
- no side panel,
- no menu,
- no location/navigation bar,
- only the "Edit launcher" rightclick context option, nothing else.

Intended usage :
- Create a panel launcher app by pointing Thunar in this mode to a 
folder containing .desktop files
- Can replace the appfinder by simply pointing Thunar to 

As an example here's a screenshot of a system tools panel, performed 
with current version of Thunar 
(http://download.zenwalk.org/people/jp/misc/System-Tools-Manager.jpg) : 
it's launched with gksu, so the user is first asked for the root 
password, and of course Thunar warn him about the root mode of 
operations, which is nice. The only problem is that the menu remains, so 
the user is able to navigate AS ROOT in the filesystem. Another problem 
is that the root accounts thunarrc is used globally with this config.

What do you think about this idea ?


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