On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 10:21:26AM +0100, Harold Aling wrote:
> Sometimes I have to wait for a copy/move action to finish before I can 
> go on with my very important business. I like to fire up Firefox to 
> check very important websites during the wait-time to be sure I don't 
> waste any time...
> If only the copy/move windows could be set to 'always on top' (see 
> attachment) or something else like: "Warn me when you're finished..."

It would look pretty with a 'notification', no? :)  The ones showed by
the notification daemon.

> Cheers!
> -H-

My 2 bucks,
 http://massonnet.org/ Mike (m8t) Massonnet     __oo 
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