Ori Bernstein wrote:
>>> I've written a patch to make Thunar reuse the same properties dialog and 
>>> change
>>> the contents based on the last-selected file. This is quite useful when
>>> managing stuff like manually renaming a large number of files by hand, or 
>>> just
>>> for managing screen clutter when going thorugh a large number of files.
>>> The patch is attached at http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2666
>> I'm aware of this patch, but I don't think it's something for Thunar by
>> default.
> Ok, that's your choice to make, although I'll keep applying this patch to 
> Thunar
> whenever I build it, since it really does make managing properties of large
> numbers of files at once a breeze. For example, I just copied over a bunch of
> files from a backup, and wanted to change permissions on a few, so I just 
> opened
> properties and rolled through all the files.
> I'm just wondering if you could explain your reasons for rejecting this
> patch -- Perhaps there's some way I can keep the increased functionality,
> but modify it to be acceptable.

It changes the way the properties dialog works, which is unexpected and
probably confusing for the user.

> Ori

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