Alexandre Moreira wrote:
> This is more a "what do you think?" or a "should we be consistent with
> them?" than a feature request. It is rather insignificant so, if you
> don't have much time just ignore it.
> I noticed that Thunar follows an approach much alike the
> GtkFileChooser, its interface really resembles it when in the
> shortcuts window.
> There is one little "inconsistency" between "our" (as in Thunar's)
> behavior and "theirs" (as in GtkFileChooser).
> in GtkFileChoser, whenever you double click a shortcut, it opens the
> file view to it. In thunar it acts on a single click.
> I don't know if this difference was intended and I really don't care
> about which one is best, since both work just the same to me. But I
> just thought it was worth mentioning since perhaps it just skipped the
> revisions of the devs and they think otherwise.

Thunar had that double-click as well. But there's no need to require
double-click here, so single-click does as well.

> Now to a more "interesting" request. I think I read somewhere in this
> list that the current SVN version has the ability to display user's
> shortcuts on the top bar when on pathbar mode, and I think this is
> great.
> To go with such an option and make those freaking minimalists (like
> me) happy I'd just ask that someone made it possible to simply right
> click in a folder and "Add to shortcuts", that way I (and possibly
> other weird minimalistic desktop freaks like me) could simply  disable
> the side bar completely, and realy on these rather "hidden-but-useful"
> actions.
> What do you think ? It should not be hard to implement I guess

I don't get what you are talking about.

> Best Regards,
> Alexandre Moreira.

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