Hash: RIPEMD160

Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> Moritz Heiber wrote:
>>> But gam_server is running?
>> Okay Benny, I demand clarification! Do you posses powers unknown to
>> mankind or something?!
>> As of right now, its suddenly working .. and I have absolutely NO IDEA
>> why .. I changed exactly zero things regarding gamin.
>> Granted, I compiled thunar with --enable-debug=full, yet, that
>> shouldn't actually make a difference now, should it?
>> What I noticed though is the following: Before I recompiled thunar it
>> used to go into some sort of daemon mode whenever I executed it from
>> the console (means, it started itself and forked into the background
>> leaving me with a usable console). It doesn't do that anymore now.
>> Maybe you can make something out of that ..
> Uhm, Thunar never forked itself into the background, atleast not the
> upstream version. The --daemon command line option simply keeps Thunar
> running even if the last window is closed (for the trash support).
> --enable-debug=full doesn't change anything wrt file system monitoring.
> Dunno what's going on there.

I think what he's talking about is that, when 'Thunar --daemon' is
running already, and you run a normal Thunar instance, instead of
starting a new process, it calls the daemon via the dbus interface to
open a new window, and then quits.  From the perspective of sitting at
the terminal, it just looks like the Thunar started from the terminal
has forked into the background.


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