Evgeni Golov wrote:
> Hi,
> the latest Thunar shows my USB-stick as a "1G removeable media" ("1G
> entfernbarer Datenträger" in German), because I didn't set a label when
> I formated it. Of course I could set the label now...
> In my eyes, the 1G... thingie s too long for the left pane, 
"1G removeble media" is a pretty useful name actually.  Size is a good 
way of telling the devices apart if they don't have a label - even 
non-technical users would find this easy to use.

The problem I see here is with long labels in thunar for any device.  
For example if I insert a CD labelled "Photographs from Holiday" this 
pushs the divider over to the right to fit all the letters in, which 
looks a little ugly and means my three columns on icons in the 
right-pane becomes just two.  Also, when I remove the device thunar 
doesn't move the divider back again.

Perhaps the device label should be shortened to "1G rem... ..media"?  
When you hover the mouse over the name it could give the full label in a 
tooltip.  Alternatively I guess you could have a configuration option 
for changing the label thunar shows for all removeable devices, so the 
user can change: "{S} removeable media" (where {s} would be the size) to 
"{S} flash" if they so wished?

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