Today I installed the Xfce4 port on FreeBSD-6.2-STABLE.  Seems quite a
pleasant change from the olde fvwm2 I've been using for ages. :-)

Problem is: Thunar hangs at start. This is the same problem I noticed
2 weeks ago when I tried using Thunar standalone under fvwm2.

When I use the desktop menu to create a new File Manager, nothing
happens for about 30 seconds, then a window pops up saying:

  chris - File Manager

which has two white panes on a light gray background.  Creating other
windows does likewise. Same if I start it from a command line. Top show:

  882  ??  S      0:00.76 /usr/local/bin/Thunar --daemon

This is the same behavior I noticed when I installed Thunar as a
standalone filemanager under fvwm2 a couple weeks back for my
non-geeky GF.

Worse, I can't ^C quit it, ^Z background it, or even "kill -9" it.  If
I try

  thunar --quit

it hangs for a while then reports:

  Thunar: Failed to terminate running instance: Did not receive a
  reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send
  a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the
  reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~<101> pkg_info -c '*exo*'
    Information for libexo-0.3.2_1:

    Terminal library, extensions to Xfce by os-cillation

    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~<102> pkg_info -c '*hunar*'
    Information for Thunar-0.8.0_2:

    XFce 4 file manager

Various hung-up Thunars are shown below, some in state "T" in response
to a "kill -9" signal:

    882  ??  T      0:00.76 /usr/local/bin/Thunar --daemon
   1093  ??  Ts     0:00.75 /usr/local/bin/Thunar file:///

I'm unfamiliar with 'dbus' and 'hald' but have them running:

  messagebus   703  0.0  0.3  1928  1552  ??  Is    5:33PM   0:00.02 
/usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --system
  chris        871  0.0  0.3  2396  1452  ??  I     5:34PM   0:00.00 
/usr/local/bin/dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session
  chris        872  0.0  0.3  1924  1528  ??  Ss    5:34PM   0:00.08 
/usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 4 --print-address 6 --session

  haldaemon   1059  0.0  0.9 17908  4696  ??  Ss    5:45PM   0:03.30 
  root        1060  0.0  0.6 16688  3264  ??  I     5:45PM   0:00.05 hald-runner
  root        1066  0.0  0.3  2792  1392  ??  S     5:45PM   0:00.20 
hald-addon-storage: /dev/da0 (hald-addon-storage)
  root        1069  0.0  0.3  2792  1392  ??  S     5:45PM   0:00.20 
hald-addon-storage: /dev/da1 (hald-addon-storage)
  root        1072  0.0  0.3  2792  1392  ??  S     5:45PM   0:00.21 
hald-addon-storage: /dev/da2 (hald-addon-storage)
  root        1075  0.0  0.3  2792  1392  ??  S     5:45PM   0:00.20 
hald-addon-storage: /dev/da3 (hald-addon-storage)
  root        1078  0.0  0.3  2796  1432  ??  S     5:45PM   0:00.27 
hald-addon-storage: /dev/cd0 (hald-addon-storage)
  root        1081  0.0  0.3  2796  1432  ??  S     5:45PM   0:00.27 
hald-addon-storage: /dev/cd1 (hald-addon-storage)

Any ideas why Thunar won't come up, what it's hanging on? 

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