On 8/22/07, Erlend Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aurélio A. Heckert wrote:
> > (...)
> > So... you will not need a tree view if you create an altomatic tree based
> > on the custom actions defs. (Like Inkscape does with efects INX)
> How do these Inkscape effects work?  I use Inkscape and I see the
> Effects menu as a simple hierarchical menu... is it being dynamically
> generated or something?  Do you have a link so I can read up on this please?

I think Jelle give the best way, but i can talk abou this...

I have a INX tutorial hire: http://InkscapeBrasil.org/.ArquivoINX

The inkscape read all INX files on it's exetensions directory
each INX can define a <submenu/> and the inkscape will
create a tree on the memory, joing extensions with the same
submenu path on the same twig. I think it is simple.

Using this idea or the Jelle idea, a cache must be made for
each MIME or pattern when the user visit it on the first
time to be faster when right-clik on other files.


    .           .   Aurélio A. Heckert [ GNU/Linux ]
   /             \  http://www.aurium.cjb.net
   `-_---" "---_-´  Ilustração Vetorial Livre:
    `--|o` ´o|--´   http://InkscapeBrasil.org
       \  '  /      Projeto Software Livre - Bahia:
        ): :(       http://psl-ba.softwarelivre.org
        (o_o)       Coop. de Tecnologias Livres:
         "-"        http://www.colivre.coop.br
    GNU/Linux User #312507  http://counter.li.org
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    (  ( ( http://www.midiaindependente.org ) )  )

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