Tino Keitel wrote:
>>> Well the problem is how to tell when you're overwhelmed?  Difference
>>> people have difference ideas of when a thumbnailer should and shouldn't
>>> run... I think most people would say don't run if it's going to use swap
>>> space, I would say don't run if it's going to adversely affect the
>>> apparent responsiveness of the operating environment.  If you're running
>>> a remote filesystem (fusesmb / sshfs) then the file-sizes which are safe
>>> to thumbnail change dramatically.
>> Which is why I wasn't arguing for a constant file size. I figured a
>> simple timeout would scale nicely.
> Thunar could also set a memory limit to the thumbnailer process (via
> ulimit or similar), so that the thumbnailer process is killed if it
> starts eating too much memory. Thunar woulld have to find out the hosts
> memory size to calculate a sensible limit, though. IMHO a fixed value
> would not work well here to satify all users. Another idea is a config
> item where the user can set a maximum size for the thumbnailer process.
Would ulimit be the best way of doing this?
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