Quiring, Sam wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am exploring the at-spi accessibility interface on Ubuntu.  I created
> a simple dump program that displays data about the accessible components
> on my desktop.  Thunar is running on my desktop.  My dump program
> displays everything in the Thunar window, except it cannot find any data
> about the table of files in either "Detailed List" view or the "Icon"
> view.  I have not tried the "Compact List" view.  The dump program is
> able to dump information in the table cells for the Thunar Shortcuts
> side pane, so I am confident that the dumper is working.
> I first posted a query to the accessibility mailing list and they asked
> if the Thunar widgets used to display the content of the file view were
> possibly custom widgets?  The point of that question is that all stock
> gtk+ widgets have accessibility info, if someone wrote a custom widget
> the accessibility info might not be working yet.
> So I thought I'd ask the Thunar developers about the state of
> accessibility.

Yup, Thunar does indeed use custom widgets for the tree view and icon 
view at least.  I'm surprised Benny didn't add even some accessibility 
support; I know I've seen code from him before that's done this.

Unfortunately, you've brought this up at a bad time.  We're just 
entering feature-freeze for our next major release, so likely this won't 
get worked on for a while.

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