#5852: Form Helper problems with extended ASCII values
    Reporter:  prussell                                  |          Type:  Bug  
      Status:  new                                       |      Priority:  
   Milestone:  1.2.x.x                                   |     Component:  
     Version:  RC3                                       |      Severity:  
    Keywords:  Form, Helper, Escaping Characters, ASCII  |   Php_version:  PHP 
Cake_version:                                            |  
 It seems that the form helper is unable to create HTML form objects with
 correct values when the $form->input( ) method is called while passing in
 extended ASCII characters.

 For example, this code creates a text box with the value : insx}

 $this->Form->input($datavalue, array('value'=>chr(105).chr(110).chr

 This code creates a text box with a blank value:

 $this->Form->input($datavalue, array('value'=>chr(105).chr(110).chr

 The difference is the last two characters. If you submit a value to the
 form helper with a character of over 127, the form helper fails to
 populate the HTML form element it creates with the value you pass in.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/5852>
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