#5182: Class property is being filtered from hidden input elements
    Reporter:  Lemon                           |         Owner:  mark_story
        Type:  Bug                             |        Status:  closed    
    Priority:  Medium                          |     Milestone:  1.2.x.x   
   Component:  Helpers                         |       Version:  RC2       
    Severity:  Normal                          |    Resolution:  wontfix   
    Keywords:  form hidden input class helper  |   Php_version:  n/a       
Cake_version: RC2                  |  
Comment (by mark_story):

 The class can cause issues if someone is using ''display'' in combination
 with error div classes amongst many other ways. If an input is hidden you
 normally shouldn't be manipulating it.  And if you do need to manipulate
 it with Javascript there are many other options for reaching it other than
 classname. For instance you can easily traverse the DOM tree to access any
 nodes you want.  Furthermore there are other selectors that will get
 hidden inputs that do not use class. Because of changes that can arise
 from classes being applied to hidden inputs, we recommend using an
 alternative solution.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/5182#comment:4>
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