#6017: Can't select all rows in a oracle DB
   Reporter:  CristianDeluxe  |          Owner:  phishy                         
       Type:  Bug             |         Status:  new                            
   Priority:  Medium          |      Milestone:  1.2.x.x                        
  Component:  Oracle          |        Version:  1.2 Final                      
   Severity:  Normal          |       Keywords:  oracle undefined offset 
Php_version:  PHP 5           |   Cake_version:                                 
 Hi, first sorry for my bad English.
 I’m using last version of CakePHP (

 == What I did: ==

 I have this query on my controller:

 function facturas() {
         $this->set('facturas', $this->Portal->query('SELECT * FROM
 MI_FACTURA where rownum <= 2'));

 And my database.php are configured on this way:

 var $default = array(
         'driver' => 'oracle',
                 'persistent' => false,
                 'host' => '',
                 //'port' => 1521,
                 'login' => 'myuser',
                 'password' => 'mypassword',
                 'database' => '',

 == What I expected to happen: ==

 I expected an array with 2 records

 == Why it didn't meet my expectations: ==

 If I do this query in my own script, using only oci_connect, oci_parse,
 oci_execute and oci_fetch_assoc, it works ok, show me 2 records of this

 With CakePHP: it do the query:

 SELECT * FROM MI_FACTURA where rownum <= 2

 But show me this error (repeated 41 times):

 Notice (8): Undefined offset:  1
 [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo\dbo_oracle.php, line 380]

 And returns me this array:

     [0] => Array
             [0] => Array
                     [*] => 952842

             [] => Array
                     [] => 0


     [1] => Array
             [0] => Array
                     [*] => 952844

             [] => Array
                     [] => 0



Ticket URL: <https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/6017>
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